Sunday, March 19, 2017

Ten Important Facts for Americans

By Anna Von Reitz

Fact One:  The states each retained the right to keep their own "well-regulated militia" as part of the constitutional agreement.  

Fact Two: There is no provision for any state to operate multi-state armed forces of any kind under state authority.

Fact Three: The United States of America operates the undelegated powers of the states and people in international jurisdiction---that is, the union of states operates those powers and offices, not any one state.

Fact Four:  The Continental Marshals operate in behalf of the United States of America (the whole union of states) to enforce their retained undelegated powers in international jurisdiction.

Fact Five:  Public offices belong to the public, not to the office holder.

Fact Six: Office holders are not free to define or redefine their offices.

Fact Seven: The only people owed the public offices of the States of America, united or otherwise, are Americans born in one of the states of the union who claim their birthright political status as Texans, Minnesotans, Californians, and so on.

Fact Eight:  No United States Citizen or citizen of the United States  can hold a  state office.  None of the states allow dual citizenship.  

Fact Nine: Those who fill vacated state offices must take the specific oaths of office for their state and follow the organic and Public Law to the best of their ability. 

Fact Ten: Those who fill vacated state offices and who have not surrendered their federal "PERSONS" to the Secretary of the Treasury prior to assuming office are acting in Breach of Trust. This must be corrected or they must be impeached or recalled.
Be not like dumb, driven cattle. 

Those who work to restore the lawful government must act lawfully, with clarity, logic, due diligence, and honor. 
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

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